• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Lagos State News

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Lagos Guidelines for Dredging 2016

The Lagos State Ministry of Waterfront Infrastructure Development (MWID) has issued the following guidelines to be observed by all operators in the relevant sectors and subsectors. Guidelines for the Registration…

Why Lagos Governor Banned Sand Mining in the State

By Edmund Chilaka Was the recent ban on sand mining throughout Lagos State triggered by a violent clash of rival cult gangs at Ebute Ilaje in Bariga in late January…

Oversight at the Lagos House:

Oversight function at the Lagos House of Assembly… Hon. Setonji David. “The success of Lagos is the success of Nigeria…” – Hon. David, Badagry II Constituency. Honourable Setonji S. David, served…

The Jostle for Lagos Rivers

The Jostle for the Rivers of Lagos: NIWA, Lagos Govt, Fed. Ministry of Mines, to the Fray. By Dr. Edmund Chilaka In a loud throwback to the erstwhile resource control…